Support Single-Payer Universal Health Care

Health Care for All – California Education Fund believes that every resident of California should be guaranteed affordable, comprehensive, high quality health care. A single-payer financing system has succeeded in countries throughout the developed world. Multiple findings illustrate that people in these countries have better health and enjoy a lifestyle free of anxiety and worry about how to pay for a health crisis. All of this is accomplished at a lower cost to the people and businesses. Please join this movement!


What We Do

As an Education Fund, our efforts focus on educating the public about the advantages of universal health care financed by a single payer mechanism. We know that achieving our goal will require strong support from the people of California, so we are continually working to spread the word.

Many people, even those with insurance “coverage” are having a hard time paying premiums and covering high out of pocket costs.   Convincing everyone that they will be better off under single payer is part of our job.

Would you like to know what single payer would mean to you financially? For an estimate of your savings under single payer, try this calculator.

Calculate Your Savings


By answering some simple questions about your health insurance premiums and out-of-pocket costs, you can estimate the savings you would receive from a single payer system.